Apple Releases iPadOS 17.4 in Compliance with New European Union Laws

Apple’s iPadOS 17.4, alongside iOS 17.4, has been developed in line with the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), underscoring the simultaneous evolution of these two platforms.

Updates Corresponding with EU’s DMA Deadline

Apple’s most recent mobile operating systems, specifically iPadOS 17.4 and iOS 17.4, were released to comply with the EU’s DMA enforcement deadline, which fell on March 6. Notably, however, the bulk of these updated features are concentrated within iOS 17.4 rather than the tablet platform.

Additional API and Expanded App Distribution

Over 600 new application programming interfaces (APIs), including improved app analytics, support for alternative browser engines, and various other DMA-mandated features, have been incorporated into these systems. These additions have broadened developers’ capabilities, allowing for app distribution beyond the confines of the Apple App Store into alternative digital markets.

Allocations of New Features between iOS and iPadOS

Certain enhancements, such as increased theft-protection, special video shooting capabilities, and new Apple Wallet, CarPlay, and Battery Health perks, are exclusive to iPhones. That being said, iPadOS hasn’t been left out: app developers now have the option to disable default reactions during video calls; Apple Podcasts features podcast transcriptions; and Siri, the voice assistant, now has multilingual reading and responding capabilities. The post-quantum PQ3 encryption has also debuted in iMessage.

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