Midjourney Blocks Access for All Stability AI Employees over Aggressive Data Collection Massive Data Scrape Attack Forces Midjourney to Temporarily Disable Servers Last Saturday, AI-image generator Midjourney’s servers were temporarily… byMatthew Harmon03/07/2024
Durov announced the introduction of AI chatbots in Telegram Telegram, the popular messaging platform, has introduced a significant functionality upgrade that allows users to convert personal accounts… byMatthew Harmon03/07/2024
OpenAI Leadership Accuses Elon Musk of Hypocrisy Recently, Elon Musk, who participated in the formation of the OpenAI startup, filed a lawsuit against the company,… byMatthew Harmon03/06/2024
Anthropic’s New AI Model, Claude 3, Surpasses Google and OpenAI Counterparts Anthropic Launches Advanced AI Models Claude 3 Anthropic, a company established by former OpenAI employees, has unveiled the… byHarry Males03/05/2024
AMD to Launch DLSS Equivalent – An AI Image Upscaling Technology in Games AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) scaling technology, introduced in 2021, three years after NVIDIA DLSS technology’s debut, may… byJulia Jackson03/05/2024
Huawei Ascend 910B AI accelerators prove faster than NVIDIA A100 in some tasks In August 2019, Huawei, a Chinese company, unveiled its artificial intelligence (AI) computing accelerator, Ascend 910. However, due… byMatthew Harmon03/04/2024
New study reveals AI does not threaten jobs due to high implementation costs A recent study conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (MIT CSAIL),… byJulia Jackson03/03/2024
Microsoft to Launch AI Assistant Copilot for OneDrive by the End of April Microsoft Nurtures OneDrive’s Evolution with Copilot, an AI Assistant Microsoft has further enlightened us on the imminent evolution… byHarry Males03/03/2024
A new network worm has emerged, operating through AI services — it replicates, distributes spam, and steals data. A novel type of cyber-attack, delivered through generative artificial intelligence (AI) services, has been developed by an international… byJulia Jackson03/03/2024
China’s Baidu Promises Software Compensation for Lack of Access to NVIDIA AI Accelerators China’s tech conglomerate, Baidu, confirms a looming constraint on its procurement of NVIDIA and AMD graphic accelerators (GPUs),… byJulia Jackson03/02/2024