For $2.00 a month…

I was reading today that SBC Communications is getting very aggressive on WiFi by adding a service to their DSL subscribers for $2.00 extra a month. By adding the extra service, users can use use SBC’s Freedom link at about 3900 hot-spots around the country. They say that they will have over 20,000 hot-spots by the year 2007.

How often do you use your WiFi enabled iPAQ out of the home? I use mine all the time and the thought of accessing over 20,000 hot-spots (plus all the free hot-spots that are appearing) is very enticing for $2.00 a month.

Research says that 42% of businesses are mobile 20% of the time and this number is increasing. Clearly, there is a greater need for WiFi access for the ever increasing mobile community and SBC is taking the “bull by the horns” with this aggressive strategy and I applaud their efforts. I am happy to see this kind of change coming to the business user as well as the non-business user. It is the beginning of a whole new era in wireless access.

The WiFi industry is growing with a substantial number of opportunities for companies to show growth in this market. Yes, some companies have not made it but those that are growing and succeeding are doing so because of this type of aggressive posture. I wish SBC good fortune in this new venture!

Would you use this type of service?

I would!

You can get to the SBC website here

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