Google offers free cloud storage, but only to users with outdated G Suite free accounts.

Long-time G Suite Users Retain Free Status with Additional Storage

Long-standing customers of the G Suite (now Google Workspace) have managed to maintain their free status over a decade, with recent changes yielding additional storage for some at no cost, reports The Verge.

Transition from G Suite to Workspace

When G Suite was renamed Workspace in 2020, Google had advised users to migrate to new subscription plans with pooled instead of individual storage allocation. However, users with almost a decade worth of free accounts objected to the transition, prompting Google to backtrack and permit them to continue their free status, albeit for personal use only.

Additional Storage for Legacy Free Version Users

Last week, there was another positive development for users of the outdated free version of G Suite. If previously until June 2022, they could add more individual storage space with a separate subscription, last week, account holders who had opted for additional storage began receiving emails from Google about subscription cancellation for extra disk space. A refund of the previous payment ensued. Google added that, “while the subscription was cancelled, your storage limit hasn’t changed, and you don’t need to take any action.”

Confirmation from Google

Jenny Thompson, a Google representative, confirmed to The Verge that these users would retain their additional storage along with their outdated accounts: “Customers who received this notification will keep the allocated storage space and continue to use their existing account.”

According to her, this change also extends to those who have transitioned to a Workspace account but still possess storage managed through Google Play. As indicated on the support page, individual storage will not be added to the total storage volume.

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