Major Patch for System Shock Remake for PC to Launch Ahead of Console Versions – Release Date Announced for PlayStation and Xbox Versions of the Game

Plaion and developers Nightdive Studios unveiled the release date of the cult shooter System Shock’s remake for consoles and provided commentary on the release timeline of the major 1.2 update for the PC version.

The remake, simply named System Shock, will be released on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S on 21st May of this year, as seen in the new gameplay trailer released alongside the announcement.

The console versions promise an extended ending, and new features including playing as a female hacker. Hard copies of the game will be available for PS5, Xbox Series X, and S while only digital versions will beout for PS4 and Xbox One.

The 1.2 update, containing improvement among other things, was initially planned to be released alongside the console versions of System Shock. However, the press release made not mention of it.

In communication to Kickstarter contributors, the developers assured that the PC version of System Shock will receive the 1.2 update in the near future. They clarified that it would be released before 21st May.

System Shock Console Screenshots

System Shock Remake screenshot

In-game System Shock Remake image with user interface

System Shock Remake in-game screenshot

The 1.2 update is expected to include cloud saves, improved quest logic, a reworked final battle, optimization increases across the game, improved AI, among other improvements.

System Shock was released on PC (Steam, GOG, EGS) on May 30, 2023. The industry press rated the remake 78 out of 100% on Metacritic, while Steam users rated it at 92%.

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