Modder Releases Unofficial Remaster of Dark Souls— Dark Souls Re-Remastered.

As the countdown for the major release, Shadow of the Erdtree, for Elden Ring ticks below a month, fans of FromSoftware are reeling with anticipation. To ease this wait, modder fromsoftserve has come up with a respite.

DSOGaming, a popular portal, pointed out that Nexus Mods introduces the ambitious graphic modification, Dark Souls Re-Remastered. It’s a 1.0 version released after nine months of diligent effort.

The Dark Souls Re-Remastered is a fan-inspired remaster of Dark Souls Remastered – the official 2018 reprint of the original Dark Souls game.

The remastered edition is characterized by the introduction of dynamic shadows instead of ‘baked’ ones. It reinstates the lighting from the Prepare to Die Edition and enhances most of the textures, such as the environment, armor, and weapons.

Also, Dark Souls Re-Remastered better zooms the water reflections, escalates the resolution of shadows using the inbuilt DSR Shader Overhaul mod. In addition, it replaces faux elements of maps in the distance with actual ones, among other improvements.

Viewers of the 12-minute video clip showing the Re-Remastered version and fromsoftserve’s demonstration applauded the work of the author. DSOGaming’s editorial board labeled the mod as “a must for anyone who wants to replay Dark Souls Remastered”.

Work on Dark Souls Re-Remastered will continue beyond the 1.0 version. Fromsoftserve has vowed to release updates going forward . Instructions for installation are available on Nexus Mods. It’s legal to play on the mod online, but “at your own risk”.

This post was last modified on 05/27/2024

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