Phoenix Still So Young: Instead of Gears 6, Gears of War: E-Day Will Be Released

In a surprising turn of events, the next entry in the popular Gears of War series was announced at the Xbox Games Showcase 2024. Instead of taking the franchise forward, the new installment named Gears of War: E-Day brings the players back to the past.

Gears of War: E-Day acts as a prequel to the main series, taking place 14 years prior to the original Gears of War. The game’s lead character is the Locust War hero, Marcus Fenix.

As suggested by the title, Gears of War: E-Day revolves around the events of the day of invasion which the residents of the planet Sera referred to as the moment the Locust Horde erupted from the earth, threatening human existence.

An unveiling of Gears of War: E-Day featured a trailer powered by Unreal Engine 5. The game promises an explosive campaign with an emotional storyline and breathtaking graphics, alongside a backstory reveal of the Lancer assault rifle equipped with an under-barrel chainsaw.

Gears of War: E-Day is being developed for PC (Steam, Microsoft Store), Xbox Series X and S, as well as Game Pass. The release date is yet to be disclosed, but a listing on Valve’s service promises text translation in Russian.

Screenshots from Gears of War: E-Day trailer

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This post was last modified on 06/10/2024

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