Rumors: New Total War game will transport players to the “Star Wars” universe.

Over the last 24 years, Creative Assembly, known for its acclaimed Total War series of strategy games, has transported its fans across a range of historical eras – from feudal Japan to medieval Europe and ancient Egypt. Now, for the first time, it appears they may take players to a galaxy far far away.

The gaming news site DualShockers, citing inside sources, has reported that Creative Assembly is simultaneously working on three new Total War games, one of which stands out considerably from the others.

According to DualShockers, one of the three Total War games in development is an official licensed adaptation based on Star Wars. As of October 2023, the project was reportedly the second in line in the new Total War series.

The question as to when Total War: Star Wars would be released remains uncertain. While Total War games are released almost annually, it’s hard to say which of the three forthcoming titles is closest to premiering.

Andy Robinson, the Editor-in-Chief of Video Games Chronicle, confirmed that Total War: Star Wars was indeed the Star Wars strategy game from the “renowned developer” he had teased last year.

It’s worth noting that the Total War: Star Wars is not the only Star Wars-themed strategy game currently under preparation. Confirmed in 2022, a game by Bit Reactor (former XCOM and Civilization developers) is still in the works.

In September 2023, publisher Sega cancelled the development of the sci-fi shooter game Hyenas by Creative Assembly, leading the studio to refocus its efforts on its proudest genre – strategy games. This refocusing led to the announcement of dismissals in the company in the Spring of 2024.

This post was last modified on 05/17/2024

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