Siri Becomes Truly Intelligent: Apple Enhances Voice Assistant with Powerful AI

In a recent WWDC 2024 event, Apple introduced a significantly improved version of its voice assistant Siri, built on Apple Intelligence’s Generative AI technology. The upgrade is aimed at making Siri more conversational and helpful in everyday tasks.

Siri’s Redesign

Siri’s interface has undergone a visual redesign, now featuring a soft backlight upon activation. Siri’s responses have also been amplified to be more detailed and informative, displayed using interactive cards accommodating additional multimedia content.

Siri interface redesign

Improved Functionality

According to Apple, the new Siri has been developed to better understand the context of a dialogue and recall previous user requests within a single communication session, helping avoid the repetition of information. Advanced natural language processing algorithms enable it to find answers and undertake actions heretofore inaccessible.

Siri's improved algorithms

Siri’s Integration with Applications

A significant new feature is Siri’s integration with device screen content and applications. Siri can now comprehend what is currently open on the user’s iPhone or iPad. For instance, if you need to provide your driver’s license number while completing a form, Siri will automatically detect an image of the document in your photo stream and extract the required information.

Siri working on iPhone
Siri working on iPad

Siri and App Intents

To facilitate closer Siri’s integration with both in-house and third-party iOS apps, Apple developed the App Intents technology. It allows Siri to function at a deeper level within apps. For example, if you ask Siri to edit an image from the “Photos” app, it will autonomously adjust filters and effects, removing the need to manually toggle the interface.

App Intents and improved machine learning equip Siri to provide better consultation services involving Apple products. For instance, asking “How do I write a message now but send it tomorrow?,” will prompt Siri to provide step-by-step instructions on utilizing the new scheduled message sending feature in iOS 18.

Apple indicated these innovations will be gradually implemented throughout the year via software updates and server-side neural network modifications. Some features may be introduced later within the iOS 18 lifecycle. The visual redesign extends beyond the iPhone to the iPad and Mac devices utilizing Siri.

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