THQ Nordic Teases Gamers with Upcoming Projects at Gamescom 2024 – Publishers of ‘Gothic’ Remake and Titan Quest 2 Prepares Two Surprises

THQ Nordic announced that the company will be present at Germany’s gamescom 2024 after the presentation at the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024.

THQ Nordic will introduce five games at gamescom 2024. Of these five, three titles have been disclosed, while the final two remain a secret.

Visitors at gamescom 2024 will get a chance to interact with three games: Gothic, the role-playing video game remake; Titan Quest 2, a mythological role-playing action game; and Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, the Epic Mickey remake.

On the other hand, the two unannounced game projects by THQ Nordic have fans on a guessing spree. Both game titles are hidden, yet the known specifics include the letter count in each title and the spaces between them:

  1. ****** (a single word, six letters);
  2. *** ******* **** ** ******* (five words, 23 letters in total).

The exact projects behind these letters are currently unknown, sparking intrigue and speculation amongst users. Gematsu creator Sal Romano believes that the second title could potentially be from the Red Faction series.

The guessing will continue for another one and a half months, according to THQ Nordic, with the true nature of the games being revealed during the THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 presentation.

The THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 will be streamed live on YouTube, Twitch and Steam on August 2nd, at 10:00 PM Moscow time. Meanwhile, gamescom 2024 will take place in Cologne, Germany from August 21st to 25th.

This post was last modified on 06/13/2024

Julia Jackson: Hey there! I'm Julia Jackson, your friendly neighborhood tech geek, always navigating the exciting realms of technology with unbridled enthusiasm. Born and raised in the digital age, I've been on a relentless quest to understand and unravel the intricacies of the ever-evolving tech landscape. Hailing from a generation that witnessed the meteoric rise of the internet, I've been a digital native since the dial-up days. From the nostalgic hum of connecting to the World Wide Web to the lightning-fast speeds of today's fiber optics, I've witnessed and adapted to the digital evolution with a keen eye and a passion for all things tech. My love affair with technology goes beyond just using gadgets; I'm driven by an insatiable curiosity to understand the nuts and bolts that power our digital world. Whether it's coding languages, emerging technologies, or the latest in artificial intelligence, I'm always eager to delve deeper and unravel the mysteries that make our digital existence possible. Beyond my personal pursuits, I'm deeply committed to fostering a sense of community in the tech world. Whether through sharing knowledge on online forums, attending tech meetups, or mentoring aspiring techies, I believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing to propel us all forward.