“Where the Movie Ends, a New Horror Begins: Nightdive to Release Remastered Horror Shooter The Thing, Inspired by ‘The Thing'”

U.S. based Nightdive Studios, a subsidiary of Atari, has unveiled The Thing: Remastered. This is a revised edition of the 2002 horror shooter game, The Thing, that draws its inspiration from the cult classic horror movie of the same name.

The events of The Thing and its remastered version pick up from where the 1982 film directed by John Carpenter ended. Players embark on a mission to investigate mystifying occurrences at the Antarctic research site ‘Outpost 31’.

In the guise of Captain J.F. Blake, a rescue team leader, gamers must confront an extraterrestrial entity that assumes the appearance of humans it kills. Players are trapped in a heavyweight situation, with the threat of being infected by the ominous being looming over them.

Through 11 haunting levels, gamers must lead a four-member squad, win their trust and prevent paranoia from setting in, identify impostors and battle horrific monsters.

Pre-alpha screenshots of The Thing: Remastered

The remastered version, developed by Nightdive Studios, operates on the internal KEX engine. It offers support for modern resolutions (up to 4K) and 120 frames per second, achievements, and many more graphical enhancements handcrafted by the studio.

Specially, Nightdive has enhanced character models, textures, and animations. The studio has also implemented advanced 3D rendering for improved atmospheric effects and dynamic lighting.

The Thing: Remastered is being developed for PC (Steam, GOG), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S, as well as Nintendo Switch. The release is due in 2024. At this stage, there is no announcement regarding support for the Russian language. The official announcement trailer is attached below.

This post was last modified on 06/08/2024

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