WiFi Security…still not resolved

Security issues are becoming more and more of a concern today not only for business but also for the average “Joe”. I am always looking at the latest improvements that may (or may not) help me. When I do find an interesting and informative article, I like to pass it on.

PC World did a three piece article on WiFi security that is definitely worth the read. It has been a year since WPA’s launch and there is still concern. There are a number of products that are still not certified.

There is a newer version of WPA coming. Called WPA2, it has a much stronger encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

PC World’s article

If you are interested in learning more about WiFi Protected Access, then you can go to the WPA Security web page where you will find all the latest updates on WPA and the Wi-Fi Alliance’s wireless LAN security improvements.

WPA Security web page here

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