Bandai Namco Excites Gamers with Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Illustration, New Screenshots Leak Online

The forthcoming release of the Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree expansion is gaining traction in the advertising campaign. The exposition of the add-on at the 2024 South Korean PlayX4 exhibition by Bandai Namco has led to the public release of some presentation screenshots.

At the PlayX4 2024, a user of the South Korean Ruliweb forum shared some photos from the event revealing previously unseen screenshots of Shadow of the Erdtree.

The leak originator pointed out a closed event scheduled for the coming weekend for Shadow of the Erdtree. This event was promoted at the exhibition, inviting many journalists and bloggers, therefore, new details (or leaks) about the add-on are expected soon.

New screenshots of the Shadow of the Erdtree (Source: Ruliweb)

See all images (7)

The pictures do not spoil the Shadow of the Erdtree plot, but showcase locations for players to explore in the add-on. Some areas could be glimpsed in the gameplay trailer released in February.

Leak features a toxic swamp site, green-covered ruins, a field with glowing flowers and a dungeon with a bridge over an abyss. The variety of zones has amazed players. This_is_my_jam from Reddit stated, “I would believe this is Elden Ring 2”.

Meanwhile, Bandai Namco released the official art for Shadow of the Erdtree. The illustration features the knight-girl from the recent storyline trailer, who invites players to join her cause. Fans are intrigued.

Shadow of the Erdtree is set to release on 21st June, and is already available for pre-order on PC (Steam), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S. The add-on promises a map size equivalent to the Graveyard, more than ten bosses, new weapons, mysteries, and treacherous dungeons. The game also offers translation into Russian.

This post was last modified on 05/24/2024

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